Hmm chocolate and cigarettes- That would make a pretty weird diet. Not to mention how one would die after a few days due to severe dehydration.
Well, sweet nicotine aside, this is just a short post about the weekend. Main highlight- I fell asleep during my sociology exam. Yes, literally. Fell-A-Sleep. For a whole hour. Somehow I still managed to write four essays in the limited amount of time I had left. I guess we'll just have to see about the grade. I think I might just be the first person to fail my teacher in terms of being his only pupil who didn't get a grade 'C' or higher. Lovely.
Saturday evening was then spent ''hanging- with my buds.'' Writing songs, playing guitar, chilling in my excessively messy bedroom, spilling juice on my mum's favourite table cloth, listening to music and the like. James was a girl for the evening in that he was the only guy who could make it. I think I should, maybe, dedicate a post to a full on description of some of my friends since I'll be mentioning them quite a lot. But that's a post for another day.
Dunday was mother's day. Yes, I am well aware that I spelled 'Sunday' badly, but I quite like the way it sounds so I shall leave the typo as is. After a morning spent with my parents I retired to my beloved room for a short period of studying before going to watch the football match. Manchester United beat Chelsea, in case you were wondering. However, the actual highlight of the match, as I'm sure everyone present would agree, was hearing Karl scream like a girl. That's right- Scream. Like a girl. Anyways, the actual fun began when we decided to tell James about his birthday surprise. After a few minutes of pictionary with Karl filming the action, Ant, Nic, Fran and Daniel drowning in a pool of anxiety and excitement, myself drawing and, obviously, James guessing, the cat was finally let out of the bag. Three months of waiting and crack was nicely lined on the table. The milk spilled, you get it. I know. Well here's the big surprise-
ROME. ON THE 24TH OF JUNE. TILL THE 27TH. I shall stop using caps lock now. I'm so excited and so is everyone. James couldn't believe it. Actually, I think he still doesn't. Facebook has already seen three statuses about this but I think I might just post a link to the blog also. Anyways, after a failed attempt at posting some of the pictionary left overs I have decided that it is now time to end this post :)

'Dun!.. had an idea..?'

Actually, I've somehow managed to post the pictures via picasa. Ah technology these days. Anyways, Yes. I've used picasa which is why the layout of this post is so damn weird. However, If it bugs you so much, there's the original post up also so you could check that out. I don't recomment doing that if you've already gone through all of this though. Just saying ;]
Okay then, BYE!
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