
Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 02- Rise of the Expressionists.

Sixteen hours. Thirty minutes. That, my dear friends, is to be the precise hour of my death. In metaphoric terms, of course. I suppose you wish to know why so. The answer is simple- A Levels.

Tomorrow, or rather- should this take me another fifteen minutes to write out- today, I shall finally commence my long awaited Advanced Level Examinations with Systems of Knowledge- The topic everyone loves to hate. After that I'll rush off to a game of football (soccer, for you American types :] )- Something which I haven't played in around 4 years and then spend all of Sunday studying again. The new week will bring 3 papers of English, 1 of Home Ec and 1 of Sociology along with it and before I know it I'll have tweeted something about having '4 down, 2 to go'.

And that's pretty much all there is to my (not-so-) interesting week. I shall leave you, nonetheless, with some interesting Expressionist art-

Pollock (1948) Titled- No 5.

And that is that. I wish you all a good night, day, or afternoon- depending, obviously, on which part of the world you are reading this from.

Torii O'Phrenic.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 01 version 2 :)

Clearly, I haven't stuck to my goal of posting something each day. But you see, the thing is- I've been busy. Yes, yes I know- common excuse and all that but exams are exams and their sole purpose is to kill you.

So, if you permit me to, I wish to start over henceforth. And seeing as I am in charge of what my fingers do, I shall indeed make a fresh start. -Now the question is where to start? What to say? 

That, However will be tomorrow's post. Or if I'm productive enough in the forthcoming hours, a post for later.

Adios Muchachos,

Torii O'Phrenic.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 01

Ah the marvellous feeling of starting up a new blog. It's like writing on the first page of a copy book. Even though typing does not quite give off the same feeling of doodling masses of loops, dashes and curves onto a fresh, crisp paper, there is still something about it which entices me. It almost injects a little dash of excitement into my veins making the tips of my fingers tingle.

Anyhow, enough nonsense about that. I have just finished watching 'Julie and Julia'. Despite it not quite being my cup of tea, I still enjoyed it- And it inspired me. That's right. Inspired me. Julie, one of the protagonists, aims at reaching a goal of blogging once every day about cooking. But, more importantly, she aspired to be a writer. As do I. Ergo, inspiration. My goal, however, isn't to cook 524 meals over the short period of 365 days. All I am doing is giving myself a deadline, and something to do. I shall come up with something to talk about every day. The fact that I am typing into a reader-less void doesn't quite bother me as I am not typing for fame but rather for the reason that releasing words from the tiny cracks and crevices of mind proves to be somewhat cathartic. 

In conclusion, and to sum it up for those of you not in the mood to read more-
First off- Watch 'Julie and Julia'
Second- I shall post something utterly pointless, but hopefully interesting, here every day for.. Well, to be frank, I don't quite have a long term deadline. It might last for a month, it might last for a year. No one knows really.

That's about it for tonight, Ladies and Gents,
Torii O'phrenic.

P.S- This counts as the first day :)