
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 13- Back to the End, Onward to the Beginning.

After two months of abstaining from adding anything to this blog, by negligence not choice, I believe it's time I do. As always this blog serves me as a procrastinatory catharsis, in that I should be finishing off a script due Friday and instead I'm on here- searching for ways to let my time go to the dogs.

Speaking about dogs, I want a kitten. Here's my final attempt at convincing my mum to let me get one:

Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen? 
 Probably not if you're not a fan of cats. My dog was much cuter than this when I first found him, but anyhow. I want a kitten. Cat in miniature, what ever.

Well, back to the main point of this. Today all MCAST ADI students get back to school and, being one myself, so do I. First lesson of the second half of the second semester - 2.2.1 - is advertising. Not really that interesting at all, and considering the thought of a 1 hour ride to and from Mosta for the sake of a 2 hour lecture, I would say that stoked is the least thing I am. At least, tomorrow we've got our editing class which, au contraire to the aforementioned, I await with great 'Antici --Pation'. If you didn't get that last reference, I suggest you turn your laptop on and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I leave you with a picture of what, back in the 70s, was a highly controversial film.
Au revoire,

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